The Root Cause Protocol
What you see below is a work-in-progress version of The Root Cause Protocol, originally titled, “The Steps To Increase Ceruloplasmin.” Morley Robbins added each step over the course of several years while researching peer-reviewed scientific literature from around the world.
We highly recommend to look for his revised and refined material at his new website,
Morley Robbins theory of Everything (in 2 mins)
Root Cause Protocol - STOPS
- STOP Taking iron supplements, iron fortified foods, anything with ‘added iron’
- STOP Taking vitamin D3 supplements or ANY foods fortified with vitamin D
- STOP Taking calcium supplements
- STOP Taking zinc supplements
- STOP Taking molybdenum supplements
- STOP Taking one-a-day multivitamins, prenatals, etc.
- STOP Taking B vitamins from a bottle (get them from food!)
- STOP Using synthetic forms of ascorbate/ascorbic acid
& citrate/citric acid - STOP Using high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) & artificial sweeteners
- STOP Using industrialized omega-6 oils
(e.g. soybean oil, canola oil, etc.) - STOP Using fluoride (e.g. in toothpaste, water, etc.)
- STOP Using colloidal silver as an antibiotic
- STOP Eating low-fat, high-carb, processed, refined foods
- STOP Exposure to environmental toxins, including unchecked blue light exposure and EMFs from electronic devices
Root Cause Protocol - STARTS
- START Taking adrenal cocktails
- START Taking mineral drops or applying transdermal magnesium
- START Taking wholefood vitamin C (WFC) complex
- START Taking magnesium
- START Eating grass-fed organic beef liver
- START Eating organic ancestral whole foods and drinking mineralized filtered water
- START Taking Mother Nature’s sources for B vitamins
- START Taking wholefood vitamin E complex
- START Taking boron
- START Taking cod liver oil
- START Taking taurine
- START Taking silica / diatomaceous earth
- START Taking iodine from food
- START Donating blood
- START Managing histamine levels/reactions
- START Releasing emotional stress
- START Strengthening the bioenergetic field
- START Getting regular sunlight
- START Doing joyful movement