The oil for many uses
Organic walnut oil is a perennial hit in the kitchen! Its nutty flavor can be combined with a wide range of dishes from salad to fried meat or vegetables. There are hardly any ingredients that are not pepped up by the addition of walnut oil.
Organic, cold-pressed walnut oil is a healthy addition to the menu into the bargain. It contains magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids which are beneficial to the body for many reasons. Just a couple of spoonfuls are enough to cover the daily requirements of essential fatty acids.
Already long since in use in gourmet cuisine, organic walnut oil is now making itself known in private kitchens. Its nutty flavor slightly reminiscent of butter makes walnut oil extremely variable in its applications for almost any type of dish. Dribbled over steamed vegetables it tastes just as heavenly as on salads in pasta dish
Value of Walnut Oil
Organic walnut oil stands out from other vegetable oils due to its balanced ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids. This balance lowers blood pressure and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system as well as on cholesterol values.
Above all, the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids keep nerves and brain function healthy. In addition these essential fatty acids regulate blood flow and reduce deposits in blood vessels. The result is reduced risk of suffering a heart attack.
An extra portion of magnesium is also contained in walnut oil. This mineral substance supports stress busting and because of that also reduces blood or with rice. The only thing you should take care of is not to heat it too high as valuable substances can be destroyed. Tip: turn a simple sandwich into a tasty highlight with a few drops of fine walnut oil!
Ingredients: 100% oil from organic walnut
Country of origin: Austria
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